All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract implementation of an Antipattern should be the parent of all system Antipatterns
Architectural Rule class template for all architectural rules.
Abstract metric class template for all metrics
Runs excel output runner for all config files in valid_configs directory NOTE: Must change the ExcelOutputRunner class to take config filepath as input args
Represents an annotation in Java
Class to detect multiple antipatterns from IR of a given system
Architectural Rule 1 Class: Floating call due to endpoint removal (internal)
Architectural Rule 20 Class: Hublike Service
Architectural Rule 21 Class: Wrongcuts Service
Architectural Rule 22 Class: Inconsistent Entity Modification
Architectureal Rule 23 Class: No API Gateway Found
Architectural Rule 24 Class: No Health Checks Found
Architectural Rule 3 Class: Floating call due to invalid call creation
Architectural Rule 4 Class: Floating endpoint
Architectural Rule 6 Class: Affected endpoint due to business logic update
Architectural Rule 7 Class: Affected endpoint due to data access logic update
Service class for detecting architectural rule violations
Enumerated type for defining the types of changes used by jgit
Enum to represent the role of a class in a system
Model to represent the JSON configuration file Some additional notes, this object is p
Represents a project configuration file
Utility class for reading and validating the input config file
Class implementing the modularity metric of partitioning a graph into strongly connected components
Represents a list of one cycle of Cyclic Dependency Anti-pattern detected
Service class for detecting cyclic dependencies in a method network graph.
Service class for detecting cyclic dependencies in a microservice network graph.
Class implementing the calculation of degree-related Coupling metrics according to (1) (1) Bogner, J., Wagner, S., & Zimmermann, A.
This class represents a single Delta change between two commits.
This class acts as a runner implementation for extracting a Delta file
Service for extracting the differences between two commits of a repository.
Represents an object dependency graph with dependent vertices connected by edges
Service class for detection of antipatterns, architectural rule violations, and metrics
Represents an extension of a method declaration.
Factory class for generating an endpoint template from annotations
Enum representing different error types with corresponding error codes and messages.
Runner class to execute detection service
Represents a field attribute in a Java class or in our case a JClass.
File types enum
Manages all file paths and file path conversion functions.
Represents a flow from controller level down to DAO.
Service to perform Git opperations
Represents a collection of microservices identified as greedy.
Service class to identify and manage microservices identified as greedy.
Enum to represent the HTTP methods
Represents a collection of microservices identified as hub-like.
Service class for identifying and managing hub-like microservices in a network graph.
Input file of different formats and creates a Service Descriptor object.
The IR extraction process is responsible for cloning remote services, scanning through each local repo and extracting rest endpoints/calls, and writing each service and endpoints to intermediate representation.
Top-level service for extracting intermediate representation from remote repositories.
Represents a class in Java.
Utility class for reading and writing JSON to a file.
Interface for classes that can be serialized to JSON object
Metric Service Class to determine Lack of Message Level Cohesion (LMC) metric between microservice operations LMC = sum(1 - ((iDS + oDS) / 2)) / numberOfPairs
Static functions to manage logger object
This class is used for creating new IR's from old IR + Delta and provides all functionality related to updating the old IR
Represents a method declaration in Java.
Represents a method call in Java.
Class for deserializing a MethodCall when using Gson
Represents a dependency graph for service methods
Class to serialize an endpoint as a json object
Class to serialize a method as a json object
Class for deserializing a Method when using Gson
Calculates structural, degree coupling metrics, and modularity metrics for a microservice system based on service dependency graph (SDG)
Class for calculation of multiple metrics for a given service descriptor
Result of a single metric calculation
Calculation and aggregation class using metric result values
Represents the overarching structure of a microservice system.
Represents the intermediate structure of a microservice system.
Represents the "No API-Gateway" anti-pattern
Service class to detect the presence of an API Gateway configuration in a YAML file.
Abstract class for general datatypes that fall under JClass
Represents the "No Health Check" anti-pattern
Service class to check the presence of health check configurations in a YAML file.
Utility class for reading files that don't abide by JSON format
Metric Service Class to determine the Number of Operations in a microservice
Operation of a microservice
Represents a method call parameter
Parameter of a method or operation
This class represents any file in a project's directory
Represents an extension of a method call.
Represents an edge in a network graph schema to model a microservice system.
Enum to represent Spring methodName and HttpMethod combinations and determine HttpMethod from methodName.
Calculates cohesion metrics for a microservice system based on its intermediate representation (IR).
Represents a service chain, which is a sequence of services in a network graph.
Service class for detecting and managing service chains in a network graph.
ServiceChainMSLevelService detects service chains in a microservice architecture using DFS.
Represents a service dependency graph for a microservice system.
Class to serialize a microservice as a json object
Description on a SOA Service.
The measurement procedure consists of comparing the sets of parameter types for each service operation so∈ SO (sis) in a pair-wise manner, and then placing the operations with common parameter types into a set of Common operations.
Static utility class for parsing a file and returning associated models from code structure.
Measurement Procedure: The measurement procedure consists of two steps.
Utility class for parsing strings.
Class implementing the Structural Coupling Metric proposed (1) (1) Panichella, S., Rahman, M.
This class represents the overall change in the IR from oldCommit to newCommit as a list of Deltas see Delta
Represents a wobbly service interaction.
Service for detecting wobbly service interactions within a microservice system based on specific annotations.
Represents a cluster of wrongly interconnected services (Wrong Cuts) detected in a microservice network graph.
Service class for identifying and reporting clusters of wrongly interconnected services (Wrong Cuts) within a microservice network graph.