Class DegreeCoupling


public class DegreeCoupling extends Object
Class implementing the calculation of degree-related Coupling metrics according to (1) (1) Bogner, J., Wagner, S., & Zimmermann, A. (2017, October). Automatically measuring the maintainability of service-and microservice-based systems: a literature review. In Proceedings of the 27th international workshop on software measurement and 12th international conference on software process and product measurement (pp. 107-115).
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    private final Map<String,Integer>
    Absolute Criticality of the Service - product of AIS and ADS
    private final double
    Average number of Directly Connected Services - average of ADS;
    private final Map<String,Integer>
    Absolute Dependency of the Service - number of services invoked by the service
    private final Map<String,Integer>
    Absolute Importance of the Service - numbers of services invoking given service
    private final double
    Average of ACS
    private final double
    Average of AIS
    private final int
    Maximum of ACS
    private final int
    Maximum of ADS
    private final int
    Maximum of AIS
    private final double
    Service coupling factor (graph density)
    private final int
    Service Interdependence in the System - amount of service pairs that bidirectionally call each other
    private final double
    Standard deviation of ACS
    private final double
    Standard deviation of ADS
    private final double
    Standard deviation of AIS
  • Constructor Summary

    Calculate the degree-related Coupling metrics for a given Service Dependency Graph
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • AIS

      private final Map<String,Integer> AIS
      Absolute Importance of the Service - numbers of services invoking given service
    • avgAIS

      private final double avgAIS
      Average of AIS
    • maxAIS

      private final int maxAIS
      Maximum of AIS
    • stdAIS

      private final double stdAIS
      Standard deviation of AIS
    • ADS

      private final Map<String,Integer> ADS
      Absolute Dependency of the Service - number of services invoked by the service
    • ADCS

      private final double ADCS
      Average number of Directly Connected Services - average of ADS;
    • maxADS

      private final int maxADS
      Maximum of ADS
    • stdADS

      private final double stdADS
      Standard deviation of ADS
    • ACS

      private final Map<String,Integer> ACS
      Absolute Criticality of the Service - product of AIS and ADS
    • avgACS

      private final double avgACS
      Average of ACS
    • maxACS

      private final int maxACS
      Maximum of ACS
    • stdACS

      private final double stdACS
      Standard deviation of ACS
    • SCF

      private final double SCF
      Service coupling factor (graph density)
    • SIY

      private final int SIY
      Service Interdependence in the System - amount of service pairs that bidirectionally call each other
  • Constructor Details

    • DegreeCoupling

      public DegreeCoupling(ServiceDependencyGraph graph)
      Calculate the degree-related Coupling metrics for a given Service Dependency Graph
      graph - - Service Dependency Graph to study