Class ARDetectionService


public class ARDetectionService extends Object
Service class for detecting architectural rule violations
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ARDetectionService

      public ARDetectionService(String DeltaPath, String OldIRPath, String NewIRPath)
      Construct from paths to JSON files
      DeltaPath - path to delta JSON file
      OldIRPath - path to old commit JSON file
      NewIRPath - path to new commit JSON file
    • ARDetectionService

      public ARDetectionService(SystemChange oldSystem, MicroserviceSystem microserviceSystemOld, MicroserviceSystem microserviceSystemNew)
      Construct with System objects
      oldSystem - SystemChange object representing the delta between commits
      microserviceSystemOld - old microservice commit object
      microserviceSystemNew - new microservice commit object
  • Method Details

    • scanUseCases

      public List<AbstractAR> scanUseCases()
      Scans all use cases for architectural rule violations
      list of architectural rule violations
    • scanDeltaUC

      public List<AbstractAR> scanDeltaUC()
      Scans delta use cases for architectural rule violations
      list of delta use cases that violate architectural rules
    • scanSystemUC

      public List<AbstractAR> scanSystemUC()
      Scans ALL use cases in new system commit for architectural rule violations
      list of architectural rule violations from new system commit