Class StructuralCoupling


public class StructuralCoupling extends Object
Class implementing the Structural Coupling Metric proposed (1) (1) Panichella, S., Rahman, M. I., & Taibi, D. (2021). Structural coupling for microservices. arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.04674
  • Field Details

    • LWF

      private final Map<List<String>,Double> LWF
      Local Weight Factor(s1, s2) = (1+out_degree(s1, s2))/(1+degree(s1, s2))
    • maxLWF

      private final double maxLWF
      Maximum of LWF
    • avgLWF

      private final double avgLWF
      Average of LWF
    • stdLWF

      private final double stdLWF
      Standard deviation of LWF
    • GWF

      private final Map<List<String>,Double> GWF
      Global Weight Factor(s1, s2) = degree(s1, s2)/max_degree
    • maxGWF

      private final double maxGWF
      Maximum of GWF
    • avgGWF

      private final double avgGWF
      Average of GWF
    • stdGWF

      private final double stdGWF
      Standard deviation of GWF
    • SC

      private final Map<List<String>,Double> SC
      Structural Coupling(s1, s2) = 1 - 1/degree(s1, s2) - LWF(s1, s2) * GWF(s1, s2)
    • maxSC

      private final double maxSC
      Maximum of SC
    • avgSC

      private final double avgSC
      Average of SC
    • stdSC

      private final double stdSC
      Standard deviation of SC
  • Constructor Details

    • StructuralCoupling

      public StructuralCoupling(ServiceDependencyGraph graph)
      Calculate the Structural Coupling and related metrics for a given Service Dependency Graph
      graph - - Service Dependency Graph to study