Interface DependencyGraphI<V,E>

All Superinterfaces:
org.jgrapht.Graph<V,E>, JsonSerializable
All Known Implementing Classes:
MethodDependencyGraph, ServiceDependencyGraph

public interface DependencyGraphI<V,E> extends org.jgrapht.Graph<V,E>, JsonSerializable
Represents an object dependency graph with dependent vertices connected by edges
  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from interface org.jgrapht.Graph

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Map<V,Set<V>>
    Method to get adjacency list of the entire graph
    default Set<V>
    getAdjacency(V vertex)
    Method to get addjacency list of a given vertex
    Represents the name of the graph
    The timestamp of the current Network graph (i.e.
    Whether the edges are interpreted as directed
    Whether several edges between source and target are allowed

    Methods inherited from interface org.jgrapht.Graph

    addEdge, addEdge, addVertex, addVertex, containsEdge, containsEdge, containsVertex, degreeOf, edgeSet, edgesOf, getAllEdges, getEdge, getEdgeSource, getEdgeSupplier, getEdgeTarget, getEdgeWeight, getType, getVertexSupplier, incomingEdgesOf, inDegreeOf, iterables, outDegreeOf, outgoingEdgesOf, removeAllEdges, removeAllEdges, removeAllVertices, removeEdge, removeEdge, removeVertex, setEdgeWeight, setEdgeWeight, vertexSet
  • Method Details

    • getLabel

      String getLabel()
      Represents the name of the graph
    • getTimestamp

      String getTimestamp()
      The timestamp of the current Network graph (i.e. the commit ID that the Network graph represents)
    • isDirected

      boolean isDirected()
      Whether the edges are interpreted as directed
    • isMultigraph

      boolean isMultigraph()
      Whether several edges between source and target are allowed
    • getAdjacency

      default Map<V,Set<V>> getAdjacency()
      Method to get adjacency list of the entire graph
      adjacency list of entire graph
    • getAdjacency

      default Set<V> getAdjacency(V vertex)
      Method to get addjacency list of a given vertex
      vertex - vertex to get adjacency list of
      adjacency list for given vertex
    • toJsonObject

      default toJsonObject()
      Specified by:
      toJsonObject in interface JsonSerializable
      a JsonObject representing this