Class AntipatternDetection


public class AntipatternDetection extends Object
Class to detect multiple antipatterns from IR of a given system
  • Constructor Details

    • AntipatternDetection

      public AntipatternDetection()
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
    • createIRSystem

      private static void createIRSystem(String configPath, String fileName)
      Method to create an IR from config file
      configPath - path to configuration file
      fileName - name of output file for IR extraction
    • writeObjectToJsonFile

      public static <T> void writeObjectToJsonFile(T object, String filename)
      Method to write dependency graph objects to JSON
      Type Parameters:
      T - generalized json class
      object - json object to be written to file
      filename - name of output JSON file