All Classes and Interfaces

Represents an annotation in Java
Enum to represent the role of a class in a system
Model to represent the JSON configuration file Some additional notes, this object is p
Utility class for reading and validating the input config file
Service for extracting the differences between a local and remote repository.
Service for extracting the differences between a local and remote repository and generating delta
Represents an extension of a method declaration.
Represents a field attribute in a Java class or in our case a JClass.
Manages all file paths and file path conversion functions.
Service for managing local repository including the cloning and resetting the current commit.
Enum to represent the HTTP methods
IRExtractionRunner is the main entry point for the intermediate extraction process, relying on IRExtractionService.
Top-level service for extracting intermediate representation from remote repositories.
Represents a class in Java.
Utility class for reading and writing JSON to a file.
Interface for classes that can be serialized to JSON object
This class is used for creating new IR's from old IR + Delta and provides all functionality related to updating the old IR
Represents a method declaration in Java.
Represents a method call in Java.
Represents the overarching structure of a microservice system.
Represents the intermediate structure of a microservice system.
Represents an extension of a method call.
Static utility class for parsing a file and returning associated models from code structure.
Utility class for parsing strings.
Represents a system change in the system.