Class JClass

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class JClass extends Object implements JsonSerializable
Represents a class in Java. It holds all information regarding that class including all method declarations, method calls, fields, etc.
  • Constructor Details

    • JClass

      public JClass()
  • Method Details

    • toJsonObject

      public toJsonObject()
      Convert a single JClass to a JsonObject
      Specified by:
      toJsonObject in interface JsonSerializable
      Converted JsonObject of JClass object
    • getEndpoints

      public Set<Endpoint> getEndpoints()
      This method returns all endpoints found in the methods of this class, grouped under the same list as an Endpoint is an extension of a Method see Endpoint
      set of all endpoints
    • getRestCalls

      public Set<RestCall> getRestCalls()
      This method returns all restCalls found in the methodCalls of this class, grouped under the same list as an RestCall is an extension of a MethodCall see RestCall
      set of all restCalls